Stuur een persoonlijk bericht naar TRACY GRAVE
Tracy Grave, Italian composer and songwriter, standard-bearer of hard rock, glam, sleaze and AOR, started his musical career in 2000 as a singer in some cover bands, with Hollywood Pornstars recording the homonym album in 2008, after which he works together with Lethal Poison, publishes two soloist’s EP "No Saint Without Sinners" and "Letal Saints". We arrive at 2016, and Tracy publishes the acoustic EP "Faith", which also collaborated Joey Zalla of the Jolly Rox. At the same time he works on the album "In The Mirror Of Soul" published for the Sardinian label Tronos, whose release is followed by the signature with the American label Stars One Records. Tracy joins the MTV artists, the two videos "Welcome To My Madness and" Rise Again" are published on Vevo (channel used exclusively by the big ones). In 2017 Tracy joins the guitarist, as well as composer, Mark Shovel, from this meeting, the Tracy Grave band is born. The bass player Viper, the rhythmic guitarist Enea and the drummer John Hurricane are soon added. 2018 sees Tracy release the new album "Sleazy Future" for Volcano Records, announced by the singles “Cemetery Sin” and “Dirty Rain”, the video clip “OVER THE TOP” and the new “PIECE OF HORIZON”. In the same year, Valeria Campagnale becomes the manager of Tracy Grave, following him in the choices regarding artistic and career choices, sharing an overall strategy of promotion and development. After the release of "Sleaze Future", Tracy unleashes his anger and indignation about the pay-to-play situation for band opener to famous groups. Not only is it strongly opposed to this form of 'musical subjection' but also against the tribute bands, which in addition to not offering anything new, ruin the musical scene of artists who write their own pieces. Currently the band is engaged in the promotion of the new album "Sleazy Future" with interviews, radio passages for Italian and foreign radio, and a tour that started in March.
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TRACY GRAVE is een band uit Sassari. TRACY GRAVE speelt muziek in de genres Rock, Hard Rock & Hard style. TRACY GRAVE heeft sinds de inschrijving op 23/07/2018 in totaal 0 geverifieerde boekingen via Gigstarter binnengehaald.
De muziek van TRACY GRAVE klinkt als: Skid Row, GNR, Bon Jovi, Sixx AM. Het repertoire van TRACY GRAVE bestaat uit alleen eigen werk.
TRACY GRAVE hanteert een richtprijs van €500 - €800 voor live optredens. Houd er rekening mee dat geluidsapparatuur, reisafstand en speelduur van invloed zullen zijn op de uiteindelijke gage maar schroom niet om het gesprek aan te gaan.